Welcome to Sunbury Dads
Here you’ll find all the latest news and helpful resources to help you navigate life as a new Dad. Do you think this page is missing something? Email Nick so we can make sure this information is up to date for you.
Quick Links
- Latest News
- About our Sunbury Dads Program
- Helpful Resources
- Fathering Support
- Local Playgroups
- Not for Profit Children and Youth Services
Latest News
2025 Sunbury Dads
7th February 2025 – For our first session back Ben from MerriHealth is joining us to chat about their Family Foundations Program.
In a nutshell the program is for parents / couples parents of 0-5 year old’s and/or who are expecting, and want to strengthen their parenting partnership during pregnancy and the early years. The family seeking support are matched with skilled practitioners, with the program delivered either in the family home, online, from a neutral and safe place, for 1 hour a week and for 10 weeks in total.
During the skill building program, various topics are explored with the support of the practitioner including; the parents childhood experiences and impacts, expectations of parenting, conflict resolution, praise etc. The program comes with a manual that speaks to the topics and encourages the participants to write down goals, methods – accountability.
Hume is one of the municipalities that can benefit from this program – click here to find out more info about the program.
About our Sunbury Dads Program
Meet our Sunbury Dads Facilitator
Hi I’m Nick, I have had the incredible opportunity to be a stay at home dad for the last 2 years. To make this a reality, I retired from engineering and focused solely on parenting, and I am still discovering what it takes to be a father today and navigate the intricacies of a powerfully imaginative young mind. Since then I have returned to work and attending college full-time to pursued my long-held ambition to become a teacher.
Join me and other dads each Friday at 4pm, on the journey of being a father-figure, discovering what it takes to meet today’s needs of fathering.
Registration is FREE – click this link to reserve your spot today
Important Information for our Sunbury Dads attendees
We are located within the The Sunbury Community Centre which is a Hume City Council building and a shared space. To find Sunbury Neighbourhood House turn right from the main foyer and look for our yellow doors.
Baby Change – facilities can be found down the first corridor to you left as you enter the main building, located in the multipurpose toilets.
Grown up toilets – are down the second corridor to your left, past the little library & brown couches.
Toddler toilet – we have a toddler size toilet off our SNH Tea Room, this can be entered via the door from the Undercover play space.
SNH – is down the right-hand side corridor, you can find us easily by our yellow doors, note our Fish Tank is right next to the SNH Tea Room where you will find the previously mentioned toddler toilet plus there is a door bell on the office door should you need to find a staff member (during office hours)! Please feel free to use this tea room space to relax, feed your little ones or utilise our kitchenette, its generally a quieter space should your kiddos (or you) need it.
Sunbury Dads – is in the SNH Activity Room, at the entrance we will have a wooden table with Playgroup daily info/allergies and notices etc board for you to view each session and a class attendance list. please find your name & child’s name and tick off each week you attend. Should you or your child be unwell, please do not attend playgroup. If you wish to let us know of your absence you can do so via our SMS system – 0436 193 808. Please note we are a Nut & Egg free space, if you do pack a snack for your kiddos, please keep allergies in mind. Should we have a participant with severe/anaphylaxis we will send an SMS with this detail before your group commences for the term or when it is brought to our attention. We appreciate your support with is, should you have any questions please ask a staff member.
Back yard Playground – We have a fantastic secure backyard space that can be used by our families when SNH is open, please feel free to go and hang out there before or after playgroup. Down the second left hand corridor, past the toilets. As it is a shared space please tidy up after yourselves and please note the door lock directions as you head outside.
Any questions? Please see one of our friendly staff members!
Hope, Christie, Cathy & Nick
Helpful Resources
Equipping yourself with knowledge and support is key to effective parenting. Here are some valuable resources to guide you on your journey:
- Books:
- “Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child” by John Gottman
- “The Whole-Brain Child” by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson
- Websites:
- The Raising Children Network (raisingchildren.net.au)
- Beyond Blue (beyondblue.org.au)
- Merrihealth (merrihealth.org.au/services/child-and-family)
- SCCH (sunburycobaw.org.au/a-z-services/families)
- Local parenting networks
- Sunbury Library
- Helplines: Services like Lifeline (13 11 14) and Parentline provide free and confidential emergency support
- Community Services: Many local councils offer parenting workshops, playgroups, and fathering support groups. Check with your local community centre or library for programs.
Fathering Support
Hume Early Parenting Services
Location: Craigieburn, Broadmeadows
Contact: 03 9356 6700
The Centre for Family Studies
Location: Sunbury, Hume
Contact: 03 9744 1142, centre@centrefsf.org
Hume Parentzone
Location: Craigieburn, Hume Region
Contact: 03 9339 3789, www.humeparentzone.org.au
Dads in Distress (DID)
Location: Available in Hume region via online and local outreach
Contact: 1300 853 437, info@dadsindistress.org.au
Hume Men’s Shed
Location: 158 Evans St Sunbury
Website: https://sunburymensshed.com/
Relationships Australia Victoria (RAV) – Broadmeadows
Location: Broadmeadows
03 9304 0515, rav@rav.org.au
The Fathering Project
Location: Available to families in Merri-Bek and surrounding areas
Contact: 1300 237 123 info@thefatheringproject.org
Dadfit Program
Location: various locations across Melbourne at local community venues
Contact: Ryan Carters ph: 0402 663 506
Family Foundations
Location: Hume and Merri-Bek
(03) 9355 9901
Email: family.foundations@merrihealth.org.au
completed post-birth.
The Dads Group
Location: Statewide
Contact: www.dadsgroup.org
Aboriginal Men’s Crisis
Phone: (03) 8456 3044
Email: info@dardimunwurro.com.au
Beyond Blue – Men’s Health Information and Support
Location: Statewide
Contact: 1300 22 4636, www.beyondblue.org.au
LGBTIQ+ Inclusive Family Support – QLife
Location: Statewide
Contact: 1800 184 527, www.qlife.org.au
Men and Family Relationships – Australian Institute of Family Studies
Location: Online, serving Hume and Merri-Bek regions
Contact: www.aifs.gov.au
Men’s Health Victoria
Location: Statewide
Contact: info@menshealthvic.org.au
Men’s Referral Service
Location: Statewide (including Hume region)
Contact: 1300 766 491,
Email: www.mensreferralservice.org.au
Parenting in a New Culture (PINC) Program
Location: Broadmeadows
Reza Mousavi
Email: rezam@spectrumvic.org.au
Phone: 0419 290 140
Relationships Australia Victoria (RAV)
Location: Coburg Office
Contact: 03 9347 4616, rav@rav.org.au
The Good Grief Program – Relationships Australia
Location: Broadmeadows
Contact: 03 9304 0515, www.relationships.org.au
The Men’s Project – Jesuit Social Services
Location: Brunswick
Contact: 03 9381 3788, info@jss.org.au
The Men’s Resource Centre
Location: Various locations across Victoria (available to Merri-Bek and Hume)
Contact: 03 9663 6733, www.mensrc.org.au
The Orange Door
Location: Multiple locations including Broadmeadows (Hume)
Contact: 1800 319 355, www.orangedoor.vic.gov.au
VicHealth – Men’s Mental Health and Wellbeing
Location: Statewide
Contact: 03 9667 1333, info@vichealth.vic.gov.au
Wellways Australia – Men’s Mental Health
Location: Statewide
Contact: 1300 111 400, wellways.org
Young Parents Program
Location: Broadmeadow
Contact: (03) 9301 5200
Local Playgroups
Messy Play
Location: Sunbury Neighbourhood House
When: 10am – 11:30am Tue, Wed, & Thur
Register: https://www.sunburyhouse.com.au/childrens-programs-pre-school-age/
Cost: $7.50 per session
Drop-in & Play
Location: Sunbury Neighbourhood House
When: 1pm – 4pm Mondays
Register: https://www.sunburyhouse.com.au/childrens-programs-pre-school-age/
Cost: Free
Music Play
Location: Sunbury Neighbourhood House
When: 9:30am – 10:30am Mondays
Register: https://www.sunburyhouse.com.au/childrens-programs-pre-school-age/
Cost: Free
Beehive 0-5
Location: Dulap Willem
When: 9-10:30am Fridays
Register: https://www.sunburyheightsps.vic.edu.au/page/126/Playgroups
Cost: $2 per session
Salesian Playgroup
Location: Lakeside Stadium, Salesian College Sunbury
When: 10:15am-10:55am, every second Friday during the school term beginning Friday 14 February 2025
Cost: $7 per child, per year.
Not-for Profit Children & Youth Services
Physiotherapy (NDIS)
- This service is for children 0-12 years of age. No referral required.
- Also accepting referrals from Melton, Mitchell & Hume Shire if client can attend the Sunbury site.
Physiotherapy (Community Health). No referral required.
- This service is for children 0-12 years of age, providing short term supports.
- Sunbury & Macedon Ranges clients only.
Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy (NDIS). No referral required.
- This service is for children 0-8 years of age, providing up to 12 months of supports. No referral required.
- We can complete functional capacity assessments to support NDIS documentation
Occupational Therapy (Community Health). No referral required.
- This service is for children 0-8 years of age, providing short term supports.
Speech Therapy
Speech Therapy (NDIS). No referral required.
- This service is for children 0-12 years of age, providing up to 12 months of supports.
Speech Therapy (Community Health). No referral required.
- This service is for children 0-12 years of age, providing short term supports.
Audiology diagnostic testing
- This service is for children 0-18 years of age. No referral required